We are excited to introduce this week’s guest Praneeth Patlola. Praneeth is the CEO of WillHire, a company that helps Fortune 500 enterprises upgrade their contingent labour program maturity level with a simple plug-n-play. In the podcast, Praneeth takes us through the journey that has led him to become CEO of WillHire. Connor and Praneeth have a lively discussion on the trends in the labour market and make some predictions around contingent labour and direct sourcing.
Listen to our other episodes:
Connect with Connor: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hrmconnorheaney/
Connect with Praneeth: https://www.linkedin.com/in/praneethpatlola/
Visit CXC: www.cxcglobal.com
Visit WillHire: https://www.willhire.co